🎾 Get a Grip!

Secret to a Perfect Pickleball Grip...


Hello Pickleballers-

Today, we're diving into a topic that's crucial for upping your pickleball game but often flies under the radar - mastering the art of gripping your paddle. It's all about finding that sweet spot between a firm hold and ensuring your paddle feels like an extension of your arm. Let's break it down!

And make sure to warm up for our Tip of the Week! πŸ”₯

πŸ” The Grip: More Than Just Holding On

Your paddle grip is the foundation of your game. It influences your shot power, control, and can even prevent injuries. So, how do you grip your paddle for maximum effectiveness?

1. The Continental Grip: A Versatile Choice

  • Place your hand on the paddle as if you're shaking hands with it.

  • Your thumb and index finger should form a β€˜V’ shape along the edge of the handle.

  • This grip offers a balance of power and finesse, making it ideal for a range of shots.

2. Eastern Forehand Grip: Power and Spin

  • Rotate the paddle so the β€˜V’ formed by your thumb and index finger moves slightly towards the right (for right-handers).

  • This grip is great for adding spin and power to your forehand shots.


All about your GRIP! πŸ”‘πŸ’‘ This is super important, that nobody talks about! πŸ‘πŸ”₯ If you are newer, stick with the continental grip! πŸš€πŸŽ‰ #p#pick... See more

3. Two-Handed Grip: Extra Stability

  • Place your dominant hand in the continental grip.

  • Add your non-dominant hand above it on the handle.

  • Ideal for backhand shots, providing additional stability and power.

πŸ“Œ Grip Pressure: The Key to Control

Imagine a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is barely holding the paddle and 10 is a vice-like grip.

Aim for a 4 or 5. This pressure allows for flexibility and responsiveness.

 πŸ”„ Switching Grips: Fluidity Wins

Practice switching between grips seamlessly.

The ability to adapt your grip quickly is crucial during fast-paced games.

🚫 Common Grip Mistakes to Avoid

Gripping too tightly - leads to loss of flexibility and control.

Not adjusting your grip - different shots may require slight grip adjustments.


If you wanna be a better pickleball player it’s important to use effective grips. When hitting a third shot Drive you’ve got to great opti... See more

Tip of the Week: Mastering the Overgrip on Your Pickleball Paddle πŸ› οΈπŸŽΎ

Ever wonder how to get that extra edge in comfort and control over your paddle? The answer might just lie in a simple yet effective solution - applying an overgrip! Let's dive into how you can master this little trick to enhance your game.

πŸ”§ Why Use an Overgrip?

  • Enhanced Comfort: Provides a softer, more comfortable surface.

  • Better Sweat Absorption: Ideal for those intense games or hot days.

  • Improved Grip: Helps in maintaining a firm hold, especially for players who prefer a lighter grip pressure.

  • Customization: Allows you to personalize the thickness and feel of your paddle's handle.

πŸ‘‰ 9 Steps to Apply an Overgrip

  1. Start with the Right Overgrip: Choose an overgrip that suits your preference in terms of thickness and texture.

  2. Remove Old Grip (if applicable): If you're replacing an old overgrip, carefully unwrap and discard it.

  3. Clean the Handle: Wipe down the paddle handle to ensure it's free of dirt and sweat.

  4. Find the Tapered End: Overgrips usually have a tapered end with adhesive tape. This is your starting point.

  5. Begin at the Bottom: Start wrapping from the bottom of the handle, with the tapered end aligning with the bottom edge of the handle.

  6. Wrap Tightly: Wrap the overgrip tightly around the handle in a spiral pattern. Overlap each wrap by about 1/8th to 1/4th of an inch.

  7. Maintain Tension: Keep a consistent tension as you wrap. This helps in avoiding wrinkles and ensures a smooth finish.

  8. Finish at the Top: Once you reach the top, use scissors to cut the overgrip. The final piece should lie flat against the handle.

  9. Secure with Adhesive Tape: Use the provided adhesive tape to secure the end of the overgrip.

πŸ“ Pro Tip: Alignment is Key

Pay attention to how the overgrip aligns with the bevels of your paddle's handle. Proper alignment ensures a comfortable and effective grip.

⚠️ Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Over-stretching the overgrip, which can lead to tearing.

  • Inconsistent overlap, leading to bumps and an uneven surface.

  • Not securing the end properly, which may cause the overgrip to unravel.

Your paddle grip is a fundamental skill that sets the stage for your entire game. Practice these techniques and find what works best for you. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach – it's all about comfort and control.

Stay grippy out there, and most importantly, have fun!


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