Sharp Eyes, Fast Hands

Perfecting Hand-Eye Coordination for Pickleball



Today, PICKLEBACKCLUB is diving into the crucial aspect of hand-eye coordination, an essential skill that can make or break your pickleball game.

Whether you're aiming to improve your reaction time, perfect your paddle control, or enhance your footwork, we've got you covered with drills, exercises, and tips to elevate your performance. Let’s get started on sharpening those skills and taking your game to the next level!

Improve Your Hand - Eye Coordination

Improving hand-eye coordination for pickleball involves a combination of drills, exercises, and habits that can enhance your overall performance. Here are some effective strategies:

Ball Toss Drills

Wall Ball: Stand a few feet away from a wall and toss a ball against it. Catch it with one hand and repeat, alternating hands.

Reaction Ball: Use a reaction ball, which bounces unpredictably. Throw it against a wall and try to catch it after the bounce.

Paddle Drills

Paddle Juggling: Practice keeping a ball in the air using your paddle. Start with simple bounces and progress to alternating forehand and backhand hits.

Wall Hitting: Hit the ball against a wall with your paddle, aiming for consistency and control.

Footwork Drills

Ladder Drills: Use an agility ladder to improve your foot speed and coordination. Quick, precise movements help in positioning yourself better on the court.

Cone Drills: Set up cones and practice moving around them with quick, sharp movements. Combine with hitting a ball to simulate game scenarios.

Vision Training

Focus Shifts: Practice shifting your focus quickly from near to far objects. This can be done by holding a ball at arm's length, then quickly looking at a distant object and back.

Tracking Drills: Follow a moving object with your eyes without moving your head. This can be done using a pendulum or even following a ball tossed back and forth.Strength and Flexibility Exercises

Strength Training

Wrist and Forearm Exercises: Use light weights or resistance bands to strengthen your wrists and forearms. Exercises like wrist curls and reverse wrist curls can be beneficial.

Core Strength: A strong core enhances balance and stability. Include exercises like planks, Russian twists, and leg raises in your routine.

Flexibility Training

Stretching: Regularly stretch your wrists, shoulders, and legs to maintain flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

Yoga: Incorporate yoga into your routine to improve overall flexibility and body awareness.

Tip of the Week: How to Lob from the Kitchen

Positioning and Preparation

Stay Balanced: Ensure you are balanced and positioned correctly at the kitchen line. Your stance should be slightly open with knees bent and feet shoulder-width apart.

Grip: Use a continental grip (similar to a hammer grip) which provides better control for lifting the ball.

Focus on the Target

Look for Open Space: Identify the area you want to lob to, typically over the head of your opponents and toward the baseline. Aim for the middle or deep corners to make it more challenging for your opponents to reach.

Paddle and Ball Contact

Bend Your Knees: Bend your knees to get low and help lift the ball upward. This will give you better leverage to generate height on the shot.

Open the Paddle Face: Angle the paddle face slightly upward to create loft. The more open the paddle face, the higher the ball will go.

Gentle Lift: Gently lift the ball with a smooth, controlled motion. Avoid hitting the ball too hard; the goal is to place it accurately rather than to hit it with power.


How often do you use the lob? Should you be using it more? Paddle: @Crush Pickleball (KD15 for 15% savings) Follow for more pickleball hig... See more

Swing and Follow-Through

Low to High Swing: Use a low-to-high swing motion. Start with the paddle below the ball and follow through above your head. This motion helps in lifting the ball over your opponents.

Follow Through: Complete the shot with a high follow-through, ensuring your paddle ends up pointing toward the target area. This helps in maintaining control and direction.

Placement and Spin

Depth and Height: Aim to place the lob deep in your opponent's court. The ball should have enough height to clear their reach comfortably.

Spin: Adding a bit of backspin can help control the ball and make it harder for your opponents to smash back.

That's all for this week's newsletter! We hope these hand-eye coordination tips and drills help you become more agile and precise on the court. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep working on these exercises regularly.

Don't forget to share your progress and any success stories with us—we love hearing from our community. Until next time, stay sharp and keep swinging!

Happy Pickling! 🏓


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